RIght before their launch, the iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max were billed to be powered by the ‘A17 Bionic’ chip. However, Apple switched up its mobile silicon line-up with its first Pro-branded A-series chip. The Apple A17 Pro, which fits in 19 billion transistors, is marketed as the first mobile chip to be manufactured using the 3nm process.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!The A17 Pro is expected to entice casual iPhone users and mobile gaming enthusiasts with top of the class graphics. Like its predecessor – the A16 Bionic, it is fitted with a six-core CPU (2x high-performance + 4x high-efficiency) and 16-core Neural Engine; however, the GPU has been upgraded to pro-level (six cores) and the Neural Engine offers close to twice the same output.
According to Apple, the CPU offers up to 10-percent faster performance while the new GPU elevates graphics rendering by up to 20-percent. The GPU is up to 70-percent faster than the GPU in the iPhone 12 Pro (4-core GPU in the A14 Bionic) and the Neural Engine processes up to 35 trillion operations per second.
Read More: Apple A16 Bionic vs A15 Bionic – Specs Comparison
Along with the pro-class GPU, there is also hardware-accelerated ray tracing (immersive AR and gaming experience), dedicated AV1 decoder (high quality video streaming) and new USB controller to enable USB 3 speeds. Game titles such as Resident Evil Village, Resident Evil 4, Death Stranding, and Assassin’s Creed Mirage are all coming to the iPhone from 2024.